I am looking to join a team or find a teammate

Send us an email, make sure you include your level of experience and goals for the race.

How tough will the course be?

Anyone can be an adventure racer. If you have a good teammate and a sense of adventure you will have fun and enjoy the experience.  Adventure racing is as much a mental challenge as a physical one. Team mates work together and help each other through the race – this is the key!

Where can I find out more about adventure racing?

You can Google Wikipedia and check out Sleep Monsters for more information.

Is it a relay race?

No, team members must stay together and not be separated by more than 100m at any time.  It is a race about teamwork.

Are there any cut offs?

After 6hrs all teams are to be back at race HQ.

Can I enter on the day?

No. All entries must be completed online by the closing date.

Can I enter without my whole team confirmed, or change members before the race?

Yes certainly. You only need one person to complete the team entry and you can confirm your other team member later.  You are also free to swap around your team members before the race.

What happens if I, or my teammate has to pull out before the race?

Do your best to recruit a suitable replacement or contact us and we may be able to find another person in need of a team.

Do I need my own kayak?

No you don’t, all kayaks are provided for the event. See the equipment page for more details.

Will we need to know how to navigate?

Navigation is an important part of adventure racing.  At least one member of your team should be able to navigate using a map and compass. Feel free to ask questions before the race.

If you wish to learn some navigation skills prior to the event, please contact Tri Adventure, as we conduct regular training sessions in all aspects of adventure racing, and usually conduct a ‘Wild Women AR Skills Clinic’ prior to the event.

I need a bike, is there somewhere that hires one?

You are in luck! Contact John at Have Fun Tours on the Sunshine Coast for a great deal.  Phone 0419795586.
